Exciting news! Sofwave, the skin-tightening facial treatment that we trust as a solid solution for lines & wrinkles, is now approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the reduction of cellulite.
Sofwave has been an innovative technology for enhancement to the face & neck in our practice. The approval of use in cellulite treatment represents a vital addition to our cosmetic toolbox!
About Sofwave Skin Tightening
The Sofwave treatment rejuvenates skin using high-frequency, low-divergence ultrasound and heat to reach the deep layers of the dermis where collagen formation is stimulated. It uses a Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam, or SUPERB, technology, which has now been deemed safe for smoothing cellulite dimples as well.
In a clinical study, 68 female participants received two treatments, spaced 2-4 weeks apart on the upper thighs and buttocks. Photographs taken at baseline and the three-month post-procedure mark were assessed by blinded independent reviewers to identify and grade the pre-treatment and post-treatment images. The reviewers correctly identified the post-treatment images for 89 percent of the cases.
Cellulite Treatments with Sofwave
Cellulite affects most women worldwide at some point in life. It can be a complicated condition to treat, and often takes a multi-modal approach. Total body rejuvenation often requires a combination of different treatments including skin care, tightening, fat reduction, and muscle toning for your best results.
That’s why our body shaping center also offers CoolSculpting+ with Z-Wave, Vanquish, Exilis, and more!
At Dermatology & Laser of Alabama, we exclusively combine CoolSculpting with an additional treatment step (at no extra charge) to maximize results that are proven, noticeable, and lasting.
We’re proud to have Sofwave skin tightening available at Dermatology & Laser of Alabama to help address the different aspects of cellulite — from the dimples to the overall surrounding laxity that often accompanies it.
Ready to learn more? Our skin tightening & body shaping specialists in Birmingham will be happy to see you for a complimentary consultation for personalized recommendations. With multiple skin tightening devices to choose from, we will decide on the best treatment plan together tailored to your specific needs & desired results!